Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Monster

Dear Pablo,

Monica and I have been going Outside now for some time. It is mostly very fun. I love to smell the air and feel the wind in my furs. Monica is getting braver about exploring with me too. But we are having trouble with this red monster that lives down the street from us. It comes down our road, growling at us loudly. I am sure that it is trying to come and eat us! When it gets to the wide spot in our road, it gives up, turns around and leaves. It is a very tricky monster. I think it is trying to get our guard down and then really eat us up.

Monica is very scared of the red monster. ( I hate to tattle on her, but she is kind of a sissy). One day, the monster came growling at us, then left as usual. When it was gone, I told Monica that the coast was clear and we could go on our walk safely. But Monica decided that she didn't want to go outside anymore. This is very dissappointing. I like it when we all go Outside together. Now, Monica checks very carefully out the door to make sure the monster isn't anywhere around. It takes her a long time to decide that the coast is clear. I say, "come on Monica! Let's go!" I sniff her and give her a little lick to reassure her. I wish that mean monster would just leave us alone. I wonder if Skeezix has any special vishus monster repellant...

PS. One of our friends was wondering how Tracy would take us both for a walk. We tried that once, but it didn't work out very well. Monica and I couldn't agree on where to go, so we would pull Tracy nearly in two. We always recruit Grandma to go on walks with us now. We make a great foursome!


Kimo and Sabi said...

Oooooh - we hate all of them monster - EXCEPT our beans have Prius's and they are furry quiet. They are also not as smelly as da other metal monsters and they don't eat as much.

Phoebe said...

K&S, do they eat cats? Do the Priuses eat less cats? Or do they eat something else?

Daisy said...

Bad, bad, bad red monster! I can tell by looking at him that he is bad. Stay away from him, because he probably does want to eat you up.

Phoebe, thanks for reassuring Monica. You are nice.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Doze metal monsters is furry skaree. Der is a ginormus yellow one dat comes down our street early in da morning and eets a bunch of sticky little beans at the end of our block! Den in da afternoon it comes back and spits dem out and dey is so happy dat dey run down da street yelling and laffing.

Tara said...

There are a few metal monsters in our cul-de-sac as well. At first I was scared of them, but pretty soon I got used to them. Now I walk all the way up to the busy street. But the monsters on that street go way fast, and they still scare me a bit.

Once you figure out the monsters are actually woosey and won't eat you, you won't be so scared.


Anonymous said...
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MaoMao said...

Oopsie, sorry about the deleted post just above! I accidentally commented with Momma's blogger account intead of mine, oopsie oopsie.

Thank you so much, Phoebe, for the linky to ping blogrolling! That's so helpful.

And noisy smelly monsters with wheels are furry scary. What I don't understand is that beans get in 'em and then the monster takes off with the beans in it! Why would beans want to do such a crazy thing? I'm furry glad I'm a cat!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Sasha said...

Hello Monica and Phoebe. I too love to feel the wind in my fur, although not too much wind at the one time. Lynettea said she hopes you are both on halters. As for me 'halter, malter' I would as soon go without mine.

Karen Jo said...

That red monster looks very scary. I don't blame Monica one bit. Enjoy your walks when it isn't around.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer phoebe,
i liv on a bizzy street an dere ar lottsa monsterz heer. i stay away frum dem!
luv--yer frend--jh