Saturday, May 12, 2007

7 Things About Me, Monica

Okay, Phoebe tagged me for this game (as I knew she would), so it's my turn. Here are seven things about me.
1. When Tracy first named me, she called me Matilda. My light coloring made her think of a fair Aussie lass and the song Waltzing Matilda. But when her friends met me, they all said, "OH! Matilda like the witch!". Tracy didn't want my feelings to be hurt or for me to be thought of badly, so she changed my name to Monica. Now everyone things we were named after the girls on Friends, but we weren't. We liked that show so we don't mind. And sometimes we wonder if we have a sister somewhere named Rachel.
2. Before I came to live with Tracy, I was a homeless kitten. I don't remember those early days very well, but I'm sure I took care of Phoebe. We used to hang out at the swimming pool of an apartment complex and that's where some people took us to a cat rescue organization.
3. At the foster home, there were a LOT of other cats. A little old lady provided food in lots of dishes and water too. There were lots of litter boxes. We were all kept in two rooms in her basement. It wasn't the best place, but I guess it was better than being on the streets. At least Phoebe and I stuck together. I was sick with a respiratory infection and my eye was all swollen by the time Tracy came to spring us from that joint.
4. I still look out for Phoebe. She says I boss her around, but the order that I maintain keeps us all from descending into chaos. She is a very obliging underling and is not too much of a bother. In fact she is very helpful with grooming those hard to reach spots and I like to knead on her very soft fur.
5. I am not afraid to speak my mind about what I think. I try to communicate with Tracy and Denis, but they are a bit dense. Speaking slowly and loudly helps. Persistence is a must.
6. I value my leisure time. I don't generally interrupt my naptime by following the every move that the people make. Most of the time it's pretty boring anyway. I just let them know if I think of something that they need to do for me, like pet me, fill the food bowl or clean out the litter box.
7. OH, I'm on my last one already. This is an important one. I don't like parties. When lots of people are around, you can count on one thing - lots of noise. A quiet dinner with a couple of friends over is okay, I'll probably stay around and visit. But when you have more than three extra people in your house, it is way too much. I go straight away into the master bedroom and wait it out. If someone comes looking for me, I hide under the bed. Noisiness generally means chaos and hazardous stepping and moving around. Somecat's tail could get stepped on!

Well, there you have it. 7 fascinating things about my life. Thank you Phoebe for inviting me to participate. Phoebe already tagged our friends for this. It would be too hard to think of 7 more.


Daisy said...

Monica, I think it is very wonderful that you look out for Phoebe. And it is so great that you got adopted together!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It must be grate to haf a sisfur dat yoo get along wif. My sisfurs fight and only Sadie likes me.~Speedy

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It is always good to have a partner to get in trouble with.
We really enjoyed reading this today

MaoMao said...

I really liked learnin' more about you, Monica! You and Phoebe both have bee-yootiful names. And I'm glad you two get along so good!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Around Your Wrist said...

i agree about company: a little bit is good. too many is too much!


Zoey and the furballs said...

It's really great that you got to be adopted together into such a wonderful home! Thanks for sharing such interesting facts about you.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I HATE PARTIES!! Not that Nick and Kate have them much, cause our place is so small, but anytime there's more than, say, three people in our house, I freak out and hide. Especially if children are involved. Great to hear your story, Monica!

Karen Jo said...

I really enjoyed learning more about you, Monica. I think hiding when there are lots of people around is a good idea. I am so glad that you and Phoebe got adopted together.

=^..^= said...

Oh Monica, I fink it is sooo good of you to try and com-mooo-nee-cate wif your beans. I am not so talkative myself unless I haf sumfing BIG to gripe about.

Awww... fank you furry much fur your compliment on my looks. It maded me blush. My ears turned furry pink and I pawed the ground lots coz I felt so shy.


Victor Tabbycat said...

Phoebe sed she's nefur herd of a Zoom Groom. I bet Pablo knows of them! Here's a linky to a place that sells them, but they's at most Pet Stores. They's only the bestest rubber fingered cat brush efur! Efun tho I's gots short hair, it takes off lotsa extra. Mom says I shed extra fur the Zoom Groom. I's not tellin! Tracy mite need 2 Zoom Grooms if you bof like it. Bonnie doesn't like bein brushed (no surprise).