Dear Pablo and fan club members,
Phoebe alluded to what happened on Easter here at the Pablo Fan Club Headquarters, but I am going to start off telling the story. Tracy came home from church with a bag from Petco and inside was this:
Phoebe wasn't sure what to make of it, so I decided to come over for a look:
Hmm... Seems a little fishy to me. Something sneaky is coming up I told her. After a while, Tracy and Grandma ganged up on Phoebe and stuck one part over her head and the other part they wrapped around her chest. They clipped on the long rope in between her shoulders. She was walking funny trying to sneak away, but it was snapped onto her. Then, Tracy and Grandma opened up the door! Usually when they open the door, they pick Phoebe up or stick something in her face so that she cannot run outside, but this time they were telling her to go out the door. This was very strange and I warned Phoebe it didn't sound like a good idea to me. I don't know why she is so obsessed with The Outside anyway. I think it is much safer in here. I will let Phoebe take over the story now because she is very excited to tell you all about The Outside.
Thanks, Monica... Well, it is true that I was scared of the harness when Tracy first put it on me. I didn't realize that it had to lock around me. It felt very strange and I wasn't sure what to do. I went out the door and crept across our front porch trying to get away from Tracy and Grandma. I didn't know why they were following me. The first place I wanted to go was under the car, because that is where I usually hide when I sneak out of the house. Tracy and the harness kept me from doing that, so I laid down on the sidewalk and sniffed these pretty flowers while I thought of what to do next:
I looked around and gathered my wits about me. Tracy was not scolding me or grabbing me, but she had me by the harness. That's when I saw the grass! Grandma buys us little boxes of grass and it smells and tastes good. But this was lots and lots of grass everywhere, not in a little box. I finally thought of the best thing to do - go eat the grass.
Denis even came over to say hi to me.
I stayed outside for about 20 minutes according to Tracy. I started to get used to the harness and Tracy following me around everywhere. Just when I was going to explore more places besides the grassy part, there were some scary loud noises and big things around me. I don't remember the details very well, its all a blur to me. I was trying to run away, but I could only go in circles around Tracy. She was pulling on my harness and getting close to grabbing me when I discovered an important thing. I can get the harness off if I back up away with the rope pulling forward. It just slips off my head! Tracy says this is a flaw in the tightness and it will be remedied next time. Hmmm...
Well, I must say that going Outside on a harness is not what I was expecting. I'm still not sure what I think of it. I will have to go Outside a few more times before I decide if I like it or not. The End ~Phoebe
Aha! Well, we see that I was right in the first place. It is safer to stay inside. ~Monica
PS. Tracy grabbed my by my back legs just as I got the harness off my head. Neither of us remembers how it was that I was backing out of the harness but then she grabbed my back legs. It all happened too fastly. But anyway, She held me tight and took me back inside. I had dust and dried leaves in my furs from the last grabbing part of the expedition, so I let her pick some of it out with her fingers - they do seem to work quite well for grabbing bits of stuff from the furs. I didn't want you to worry about me being lost and scared outside.
Yep - it is a strange feeling, that harness thingy. Kimo likes it, but Sabi is still not sure of The Outdoors yet.
YES! I just got a harness a few weeks ago, and I am getting used to mine too. I think I like it! I don't really walk on it like a D-O-G. I just sniff and investigate things while my Mommie holds onto the leash. It is a very strange and exhilarating sensation to be outside like that. It sounds like your first outing was very very exciting!
Sadie and I don't go outside, we won't ware anything on our neks or around our bodies so we are stuck on the inside. It is only a problem for Sadie when she wants to go out and she just walks thru the open door and mom yells and she runs back in. Zippy goes outside alla time, she akshooaly likes her nek thing and leash! She's a freek, rite?~Speedy
deer monica an phoebe,
i hav alwayz been a owtdoor cat ... so i don't think i would be a grate candidate fer a harness ... but i mus say ... if dat'z da onlee way yer gointa get owtside ... try to get yoozed to it! u look verree byootiful against da pink flowerz an da green grass phoebe!
My goodness, what an amazing adventure and what a shock for Tracy that you got out of your harness. Apart fromt he scary bit I hope you enjoyed it. FAZ
Wow, you look like a D-O-G!!!!! they probally did that since they were worried that you were getting too fat but personally I don't think so.
Wow, Phoebe! That's great. Like Jeter, I don't think I'd be one for the harness outside, but it seems like a great way for you to enjoy the outside, once you get used to it. You certainly look very pretty against the flowers and the grass. I wonder if Monica will ever feel like checking out The Outside. I think it's something you really have to want to do... otherwise, it's just too scary.
Sorry I'm so late in getting over. Its GREAT you got a harness! When I first started using it, I walked a little funny. But I got used to it, now I lead Mom all over the place. I love it cause it means I get to go OUTSIDE. And I love eating the grass. I know when I see it, I get to go out.
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