Thursday, March 8, 2007

Pet Peeve #2

Dear Pablo,

These are my anti-vomit pills. I don't like them at all. They taste very bitter, but Tracy makes me take one nearly every night. Monica doesn't have to take them, which doesn't seem very fair. I used to put up a fight, or pretend that I had swallowed it and then spit it out. But Tracy never gives up and I don't ever get away with it. So now I just swallow it and get it over with. She always gives me some pets and cuddles before and after, which almost makes up for it. And shortly after the pill-taking, she, Denis and I go to bed and cuddle a bit more before I go back out to the living room to spend the night with Monica.

Have you ever had to take any pills? I hope you don't!


Tara said...

I've never had to take pills, but Mom said she had to give some to Baby, her cat before me. Dad would put him in his lap, pull his head back and pry open his jaws. Mom would then shove the pill with her finger way down his throat. He would just swallow and then look at them like, What was that?

Doesn't sound like fun.

Christine and FAZ said...

Dear Girls, I am a fan of Pablo too, he is very handsome and smart and is also a world celebrated cat journalist (as you probably know).

Sorry to hear that Phoebe has to take all those horrible tablets. I've never had to do that but I have had to have the stuff on the back of my neck to stop the fleas and ticks and that's not much fun (but that's only once a month thank goodness). FAZ

Victor Tabbycat said...

Ugh! The firstest cat had to take pills fur thyroid problems. He was 17 lb but took them pretty good. He struggled and tried to spit them out, but Mom an her mom got good at holdin his mouf shut an rubbin his chin until they went down. Even worse, the V-E-T insisted he haf a BAF efurry WEEK! I don't know which is worst, a daily pill or a weekly baf. Poor guy.

Tara said...

Saw your question on my post, yes, I love listening to mom play her fiddle. I sit in her lap, sit on the chair beside her, or sit in her fiddle case. In my archieves is a picture of me in her case.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Oh... I hate taking pills! Don't have to do it very often, apart from worming tablets every few months. Nick likes to think that he has a 'foolproof' method for giving me tablets, but I still do my best to chew them up and spit them out and scratch and bite the tablet-giver. I also have this awesome automatic response which makes me shed amazing amounts of fur on the tablet-giver. It helps me to make it as painful and unpleasant a task for the giver as it is for me. Once, after a big catfight, the v-e-t made me take a course of antibiotics. I had to take them TWICE A DAY! It was awful!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer monica,
i would like to know a little more about da grate pablo. i had a verree speshul frend in australia... and i think i like australian catz. could u tell me ware to go to reed more abowt pablo ... an den maybe i can join da fan club, too.