Monday, December 4, 2006


Dear Pablo,

Our people went away this weekend and we watched out for the house. This is a serious responsibility, of course, and may be considered by some as work... Our Grandma came over each day to visit us and made sure that our food bowl didn't go empty and our litter box stayed neat. She's very helpful and provides us with grass which is a good digestive. She's also very faithful in giving us laser toy time when she comes around.

Grandma lives just next door. Sometimes when Denis and Tracy are gone for longer periods, we go to visit grandma's house. She is a very accommodating hostess and gives us her bed since it has a commanding view of our house. She knows that we must keep up with our obligations. She also keeps some different toys on hand for variety. We have a special rubber band game going wherein I knock the rubber band off the bathroom counter each night and she replaces it each morning. If she goes out to run errands, she leaves on some music playing for us. Tracy says Grandma spoils us, but it's really that she recognizes the privilege that she has in serving us.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

You ladies are lucky to have a grandma close by... my grandmas both live about 3 hours' drive from here. It's one of Kate's dreams to live near her mum (like next door, or over the back fence), but I think it's one of Nick's nightmares! Your grandma is very nice to me. She's very discerning. When Nick and Kate go away, we have some uncles and aunties who come and feed me. I can't go outside when they're away! I hate it, especially when it's THFC weather (we had some of that yesterday: 29C/82F. Unbearable).

sydney said...

well my mama neeeeevvver leaves me!I have a nice mommy who takes me places with her........mmmm I guess thats cause i am a DOG! not a cat... mmmph and they say dogs are more work.

Sherman said...

Well that's not always true, sydney. I always am left at home because I personly would be a nusince and smear up the car windows with slober.

Monica said...

I don't care much for road trips. We used to travel quite often from Portland to Medford to visit Grandma. One time, Tracy decided to take a "scenic route". Humph! Very windy roads are not so great on the stomach.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I hate travelling in cars, period. It's not natural. And it either means moving house or going to the vet: both extremely hateful ordeals.