Monday, December 22, 2008

Temptations test

A very very long time ago, Tracy and Denis went to visit Pablo and I sent some Temptations as a very special present from me to him. Unfortunately, the were confixated by the border patrol because food from America can be very dangerous to Australian security. Well, I wanted to at least show Pablo what the Temptations were like, so that he would know that it would have been a very good present. It turns out that recently, Kate found some real Temptations in a store in Hobart, so he has gotten to try them as well. Did you like them, Pablo? Monica, Joey and I sure did.
This is what they look like. They are not as big as they look in the picture on the bag, but they sure smell good.

We had a very hard time waiting for Tracy to take the pictures before we started eating them. I would have smiled for the camera, but I think you will understand that I was busy getting a sample.
The picture on the bag shows that there is a soft filling inside the crunchy outside, but we ate them so quickly that we couldn't ever confirm that was true. So Tracy did an experiment to be sure that the soft center was really there. It's not as big as it shows on the package, but I don't care really.


MaoMao said...

hehe, I'm glad you enjoyed yur Temptayshuns! Us Ballicai enjoy them, too. And we snarf 'em up furry furry fast too -- Brainball eats 'em like he was a vackuum cleanur!

Great pickshures of you -- we've missed you, our furriends! Happy Holidays to you and yur fambly and we wish you alla the best in the New Year.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Temptations are WHERE IT'S AT!!!

Lovely to hear from you, Phoebe! I hope that you, Monica, Joey, Tracy, Denis and your Grandma have a lovely, safe, fun Christmas.

Purrrrrrs from your very best Aussiecat friend, Pablo

Karen Jo said...

I think that it's really cool that Pablo's Mom found him some Temptations in Australia. I can see that all of you are enjoying yours.

Daisy said...

I'm glad you confirmed that soft filling is really there! Wouldn't it be awesome if the treats were as big as they look on the package?

Christine and FAZ said...

WOW. They look deeeee-lishous. FAZ

Luna und Luzie said...

Oh you have Temptations!!!Mmmmmmh we also love Temptations. Finally we have the treats here in Germany too. They are called "Dreamies" in Germany but it is the same treat in the same bag.

Happy Holidays!

Parker said...

Yum, those are the bestest!
Holiday Smoochies! I hope you have a great Christmas!